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Published Paper and attended the conference: Zahra Fuladvabd, “Ritual, Death, and Environment in Persian Passion Theatre” First stipendium Hungaricum PhD students conference. Volume. 2022/2023

In this study, all the second-hand data and information about the research keywords is gathered and analyzed in the main body of discussion to answer these questions:


What are the origins of Persian Passion Theatre (Taaziyeh)? Is it coming from a funeral ceremony? What are the origins of space for this kind of ritual ceremony? Do these events have anything to do with rituals? What is the role of the environment in Persian Passion Theatre? Is there any cultural and social relationship between the space and people who are watching Taaziyeh every year?


Taaziyeh for the Iranian audience is part of ritual mourning with the audience standing in a circle of exchanging dynamic energy with the performance. The effects of the environment, eg. building up the cultural and social relationship between the performance and the audience in this ritual performance, is discussed in the main body of this paper.


The case study for this research is Taaziyeh. This ritual traditional environmental theatre which has been performed for more than 1000 years is a good example to emphasize the relationship of ritual, environment, and performance.


Keywords: Environmental theatre, Ritual, Death, Persian Passion Theatre

WHERE ARE WE? Scenography/Performance Design in the midst of a global change (PQ Talks)

Zahra Fuladvand – “The reflection of the found audiences in the Mirror” presented in WHERE ARE WE Symposium PQ 2023 May 4-6

Zahra works with a cornerstone concept of the art of performance - a found environment. Socially, culturally and economically significant environments like streets, shopping malls or train stations omit any notion of stage-audience division, however, they can be used as site-specific areas. Her performance is called “Mirror”. A performer, who is covered completely with a black veil, appears in metro M2 in Budapest with a big mirror in her hands. During this live performance, the reactions of Hungarian passengers in the mirror were recorded with a cellphone.

Zahra Fuladvand, Judit Csanadi, “ TRANSFORMATION OF THE FOUND ENVIRONMENT IN PERSIAN PASSION THEATRE”, Dramatic Architectures Theatre and Performing arts in motion, by authors, CEAA, 2021

This paper, however, instead of focusing on contemporary environmental theatre, focused on and researched only one ritual traditional environmental theatre which has been performed for more than 1000 years to emphasize the relationship between ritual, environment and found audiences.

A discussion of the ritual of Kooseh Galin, and its similarities and differences with the ritual of Tikverőzés in the village of Moha in Hungary”


Written by Zahra Fuladvand and published in Tempevolgy Hungarian Cultural Magazine 2020

Published interview with Zahra Fuladvand, well-recognised performance artists by Alumni Hungary Webinar. September 2023

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