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Three Angels

Creator: Zahra Fuladvand

Performer: Eszter Nagy

Camera: Manuel F Contreras

Music: Adrienn Dorsanszki, Csanad Szesztay

We frame our soul in a specific dimension of our everyday life. We cannot go further as we feel comfortable within our limits, finding ourselves scattered around our limited space with so many contradictory voices and feelings that fight for control over our inner lives. But are there higher dimensions of consciousness that can surpass our awareness?

 The triangle on the floor represents the boundaries of our everyday life. The performer is trying to fit herself into this limited small space while there is a huge empty environment around her.

 The idea for this video was derived from an inspiring image of a tree branch framed by one square of a huge window in the Artus auditorium.  We could only see a tiny part of this big tree through the window. The inspiration also came from this Lao Tzu poem:

"Can you keep your soul in its body? Hold fast to the one and so learn to be whole? Can you be a bird with her nestlings? Can you know by not knowing?"

This project was exhibited in Tollas match performance and exhibition, in Artus studio, Budapest, January 2020

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